Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Living better - #1

When one is blessed with an extraordinary insight into life, one feels obliged to share it with lesser mortals. And with this little bit, I shall begin dispensing 'Vixdom' on how to ... live better.

Today's lesson.

Life is divided into things you want to do, and things you have to do.

Your aim...every day, every moment is to do more of the first type (want to do things) and as few of the second(have to do things). But... if you are really good (at living) what you might do is, convert the want to work into have to.

Let me explain, if what you want to do in life is milk llamas but what you have to do (since it is your job) is to rake
iguana droppings. Your aim should be to keep your mitts of iguana turds and on llama tits, change your job if you have to. Or look through a mallu's head for oil deposits, retire early, and start a Llama farm.

Next time you have a task at hand, ask yourself this. "Is this something I want to do, or something I have to do?".
Don't worry, you will have all the time to answer this while they take you down to the crazy house for talking to yourself.

If its the first type, do it. If it's not, think of a way you can weasel out of it. Simple.

1 comment:

  1. Good one dude, but i would love to see on how to avoid things i have to do or rather change it something i dont have to do it at all and still get it done...
