Sunday, August 02, 2009

More rules


Aah! Sequel posts are always a good fallback option. Here are more of ‘my rules


1. Enough with the bridge: I am seriously sick of the coverage on the sea link bridge in Mumbai. We took like 9 years to construct half a bridge folks! That’s right, my friend who visited from the city said that this is just half the bridge, of the 8 lanes which were supposed to be open, only 4 are open now. Why? Because only one side of the bridge is done. And how far along is the other side? Another 8 years probably, because they have barely started work on it yet!

In the time we took to pain the sign as '‘ Yet Another Rajiv Gandhi project by Congress sycophants’, China has completed 4 more bridges, 245 Km of highways, 2 massacres, and painted lead on 4 million toys.

2. Enough with the slum-dog kids: One of the varmints from that over-hyped god awful movie is left without a home? And another one of cretins is getting beat up by his dad? And yet another of those pests cannot afford to go to school? Guess what, they have millions of kids for company. And instead of helping solve *this* kid’s problem, shouldn’t we be helping solve *the* problem?

3. Enough with Kasab: If I see that same old photos of Ajmal Kasab one more time, I swear I will head-butt the anchor of the news show if I ever see her. You know the photos I am talking about:

We have this one:


And this was there for a short spell:


And now, we have this for ever since the trial started:


If your clipart department (or whatever you call it) does not have any new mug shots of him, its okay! It really is! Just show us pictures of Megan Fox during the commentary about the trial. Seriously!

And finally,

Do you see what is wrong with this ad for the iPod?


I have no idea how these model silhouettes get their earbuds to stay in place while they prance around to music by the Gorillaz! I have fairly normal earlobes (spent a lot of time looking at earlobes of the general public to arrive at this conclusion), and normal sized ears. And for the life of me, I cannot get my earphones to not fall out even when I am listening to my iPod in a bus!

Is there something that I am doing wrong? Please help me if you can mimic the above moves successfully!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vikram,

    You have said it right. I have also been pondering about the hype surrounding the slumdog kids and Kasab. You open a news paper its speaks more about which actress is dating whom or who attended which party rather than talk about real issues like farmer deaths or our increasing love in converting fertile lands into SEZ.
